About cultiwilding

[…building alliances in the complex web of life…] […exploring more-than-sustainable practices…] […towards the other side of the anthropocene…] […living lab…] Below are a few sentences about cultiwilding in English and Danish. The term itself is a DIY-portmanteau [et gør-det-selv sammensat ord] where ‘cultivate’ is combined with a variation of wild …

Frivillig: permaculture volunteer in Denmark

Want to be a permaculture volunteer in Denmark? We welcome volunteers to join us in learning journeys, observing and engaging with the 28360 m2 (or 7 acres) that we have assumed responsibility and duty of care for. We are no practical experts and cannot teach you highly refined skills: we …

Nordic Permaculture Festival 2024: Himmelbjerggården

Four days of fun and games, talks and chilled chit chats; and, most of all, a lot of dancing! Nordic Permaculture Festival 2024, which took place on Himmelbjerggården, in the first weekend of August, hosted so warmly by Aslaug, Poul and the rest of the team, was a lovely and …

Markvandring med Steen Nørhede

Som del af mit deltidsarbejde på SDU FoodLab har vi indledt et godt samarbejde med Steen Nørhede. Her er et lille skriv om en markvandring med Steen Nørhede, som vi var på fornylig. Teksten er først udgivet her: https://koldingfood2030.dk/markvandring-med-steen-norhede/ SDU FoodLab gik fornylig på markvandring med Steen Nørhede på Sandholm …

Dancing on James C. Scott’s Grave: The Art of Not Being Governed

On Friday July 19, 2024, one of the greatest intellectual inspirations in the development of my own little mind sadly passed away. We did, however, unwittingly dance on his grave as he passed, just as I would have imagined he would have wanted it. A suitably loving fire and a …

Repair and Remake 2024: Jorden og menneskets sundhed hænger sammen

Repair and Remake 2024: Jorden og menneskets sundhed hænger sammen Denne tekst med tilhørende billeder blev lavet for Kolding Food2030. Det var den første ‘rigtige’ workshop, første event, afholdt her på stedet. Tak til SDU FoodLab og alle dem der kom! To fantastiske dage med fine resultater. I forbindelse med …

Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design

As part of our project, in order to contribute to the permaculture movement, as well as to gain some structuration, I am working towards a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design with the Nordic Permaculture Academy with Cathrine Dolleris as a mentor. “…Permaculture is a system of design based on ethics …

Chromebooks, Microsoft, platformøkonomi og ekspropriation

Ejendomsret, filosofi og ekspropriation … samfundsomvæltende ting og sager. Der er meget at sige om det, men her er en lille, hurtig apropos kommentar: Læste fornylig i Politiken at “…Skandinaviens største udbyder af open source står klar med et alternativ…“, som svar på Chromebook skandalen, og at det drejer sig …

Samtaler om landskabet

Hoved og hale var svær at finde i udarbejdelsen af denne tekst. Fran følelse til tanke til ord til skrift er som regel en lang rejse. Men nu giver det vist mening (specielt hvis den læses sammen med “Lad Skiftet Ske” og “Participatorisk Garanti System“: Med det på plads, tilbage …

Winter Wonder Land 2

It is now January ’24, and this is Winter Wonder Land 2: Another look at our little patch clad in white. The first series of observations can be found here: A little SEO fodder from the machine: Winter’s Embrace: A Permaculture Examination Through Ecological Science As the cyclical rhythm of …

Xmas ritual?

When everyone else had bought their Xmas tree, around Yuletide solstice, we went to get a bunch of greatly reduced living trees – rooted in soil in pots – and made a tiny ‘indoor forest’. Could be a new family xmas ritual. On January 6 – The Feast of the …

Going for walks with the geese

Getting in goosestep: walking the birds: I love going for walks with the geese. These are birds thought to have been companions for at least 7000 years. They are odd characters. Intelligent appearing at times, dumb as nobody’s business at others. Gracious and clumsy, quiet and calm, loud and messy. …

Cultiwilding zones

These (scroll down) are our cultiwilding zones, named by distinctive characters encountered, largely defined by a paddock layout developed by the previous guardian of the land. He ran a bonderøvsgård with school visits, farm shop, and much more surrounded by geese, ducks, pigs, cattle, sheep, chicken and what not. As …


On our savannah there is a heavenly hill. Himmelbakken, Heaven Hill, taking its name tongue-in-cheek from Himmelbjerget, Heaven Mountain, in itself, as best a little sarcastic, even if it is most wonderful place to visit with great views. There is also a great view from Himmelbakken over “Egholt Hede“, when …

Killing Ivy

We thought we were killing Ivy, men ukrudt forgår ikke så let. There’s nothing principally wrong with Ivy, of course, but when it’s keeping the house moist, eating into the roof, blocking the sun, well there is nothing principally wrong in killing ivy either. Even if has created such a …