Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design

As part of our project, in order to contribute to the permaculture movement, as well as to gain some structuration, I am working towards a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design with the Nordic Permaculture Academy with Cathrine Dolleris as a mentor. “…Permaculture is a system of design based on ethics …

Cultiwilding zones

These (scroll down) are our cultiwilding zones, named by distinctive characters encountered, largely defined by a paddock layout developed by the previous guardian of the land. He ran a bonderøvsgård with school visits, farm shop, and much more surrounded by geese, ducks, pigs, cattle, sheep, chicken and what not. As …

About cultiwilding

[…building alliances in the complex web of life…] […exploring more-than-sustainable practices…] […towards the other side of the anthropocene…] […living lab…] Below are a few sentences about cultiwilding in English and Danish. The term itself is a DIY-portmanteau [et gør-det-selv sammensat ord] where ‘cultivate’ is combined with a variation of wild …

Frivillig: permaculture volunteer in Denmark

Want to be a permaculture volunteer in Denmark? We welcome volunteers to join us in learning journeys, observing and engaging with the 28360 m2 (or 7 acres) that we have assumed responsibility and duty of care for. We are no practical experts and cannot teach you highly refined skills: we …