At first it was incidental. They shit everywhere on anyone or anything at any time. Themselves, each other, their food, their water, their sleeping space. Yes, omnipresent. It was on my hands and my clothes and all over the place. When faced with the question concerning their bedding, I decided I might as well pick it up by hand when I feed them, so we became intimate, me and goose shit. Eight weeks of examining gosling excrement, by hand through touch and nose through smell, eight times a day, teaches you something, I am sure, apart from the small, texture, consistency, colour and changes with feed. What it all means, exactly, I don’t know, but I am most certainly a skilled shit shoveller by hand in the Anatidae Anserini Anser dimension. It appears that it is simply lightly fermented, shredded grass fibre.

Yea, so no shit, lots of shit! I wonder what the robot has got to say about this shit. Here’s a transcript of our conversation:
ME: “…Upon examination, gosling excrement appears to be merely shredded grass fibre, though with a lightly fermented taste and smell that attracts insects – please give us the low down on goose shit in biological, chemical, cultural and environmental terms…”.
MACHINE: “…Goose excrement, or goose droppings, may seem unremarkable at first glance, but it plays several important roles in biology, ecology, and culture. Let’s delve into the lowdown on goose droppings from biological, chemical, cultural, and environmental perspectives:
Biological Significance:
- Nutrient Cycling: Goose droppings contain essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. When deposited on the ground, these nutrients can be absorbed by plants, enriching the soil and promoting plant growth.
- Insect Attraction: As you mentioned, the lightly fermented smell and taste of goose droppings can attract insects. This can benefit local ecosystems as it provides a food source for insectivorous animals such as birds, amphibians, and some mammals.
Chemical Composition:
- Nitrogen (N): Goose droppings are rich in nitrogen, primarily in the form of urea. Nitrogen is a vital nutrient for plant growth, and when goose droppings decompose, they release nitrogen into the soil, acting as a natural fertilizer.
- Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K): These essential nutrients are also present in goose droppings, contributing to soil fertility and plant health.
- Organic Matter: Besides nutrients, goose droppings contain organic matter, which can improve soil structure and water retention.
Cultural Significance:
- Traditional Uses: In some cultures, bird droppings, including those from geese, have been historically used for various purposes, such as dye production and medicinal applications.
- Superstitions: In folklore and superstitions, bird droppings, including goose droppings, are sometimes seen as omens or signs of good or bad luck. These beliefs vary widely across cultures.
Environmental Impact:
- Ecosystem Services: Goose droppings contribute to nutrient cycling and can enhance soil fertility, which benefits local vegetation. This, in turn, supports other wildlife that depends on plants for food and habitat.
- Human-Wildlife Conflict: In some urban areas, goose populations can become problematic due to excessive droppings in parks, golf courses, and other public spaces. This can lead to conflicts between humans and geese.
- Water Quality: When excessive goose droppings accumulate near water bodies, they can contribute to nutrient loading in the water, potentially leading to water quality issues such as algal blooms and decreased oxygen levels.
In conclusion, while goose droppings may appear simple, they play significant biological and ecological roles. Their nutrient content contributes to soil fertility and plant growth, benefiting local ecosystems. However, their accumulation in certain areas can lead to human-wildlife conflicts and potential environmental issues. From a cultural perspective, bird droppings, including those from geese, have been embedded in folklore and traditions, reflecting the diverse ways in which humans perceive and interact with the natural world…”.
ME: Please expand on this particular point: Traditional Uses: In some cultures, bird droppings, including those from geese, have been historically used for various purposes, such as dye production and medicinal applications.ChatGPT
MACHINE: Certainly, let’s delve deeper into the traditional uses of bird droppings, including those from geese, in various cultures throughout history. While it may seem unusual to some, bird droppings have had unique and practical applications in several societies:
1. Dye Production:
- Japan: In Japan, specifically in the traditional textile industry, bird droppings, known as “tateguano,” have been used to produce a special type of natural dye called “tateguazome.” This dye is derived from the droppings of nightingales, which are rich in enzymes that can break down plant pigments. When mixed with other natural ingredients, tateguano creates a vibrant and long-lasting dye for fabrics.
2. Medicinal Applications:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine: Bird droppings, especially those from swallows and bats, have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries. They are believed to have therapeutic properties and are included in various herbal remedies. Bird droppings have been employed to treat a range of ailments, including respiratory conditions, skin disorders, and digestive issues. They are typically processed into powders or ointments for medicinal use.
- Middle Eastern and Central Asian Traditions: In some Middle Eastern and Central Asian cultures, bird droppings have been used topically for skincare. They are believed to have exfoliating and healing properties and have been incorporated into traditional beauty treatments.
It’s important to note that the use of bird droppings in these traditional practices is often deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and historical contexts. While these applications may seem unconventional from a Western perspective, they reflect the resourcefulness and creativity of different cultures in utilizing natural materials for practical purposes.
However, it’s crucial to approach these practices with a critical understanding of their potential risks and ethical considerations. In some cases, the collection of bird droppings for commercial purposes can raise conservation concerns and impact bird populations. As a result, the use of bird droppings in traditional practices has become increasingly rare and regulated in many regions.
In summary, the traditional uses of bird droppings, including those from geese, offer intriguing insights into the resourcefulness and cultural significance of natural materials in various societies. While these practices may seem unusual to some, they have historical and contextual importance, particularly in fields like textiles and traditional medicine. Nonetheless, it’s essential to balance cultural heritage with ethical and conservation considerations in today’s world.
ME: Please give me a comprehensive list of parasites and pathogens associated with geese and their excrement
MACHINE: Geese, like many birds, can carry various parasites and pathogens, some of which may be associated with their excrement. These organisms can pose health risks to both other wildlife and humans. Here is a list of some parasites and pathogens that may be associated with geese and their excrement:
- Giardia: Giardia is a protozoan parasite that can be found in the intestines of geese and is excreted in their feces. It can cause gastrointestinal illness in humans when ingested from contaminated water or food.
- Cryptosporidium: Cryptosporidium is another protozoan parasite commonly found in waterfowl, including geese. It can also cause gastrointestinal illness in humans.
- Roundworms (Ascarids): Geese can host roundworms in their digestive tracts, and the eggs of these parasites can be present in their feces. Ingesting contaminated water or soil can lead to infection in humans.
- Tapeworms: Various species of tapeworms can infect waterfowl, including geese. Although these parasites primarily affect birds, some tapeworms may pose a risk if ingested by humans.
- Flatworms (Flukes): Certain fluke species can parasitize the digestive organs of geese. These parasites typically affect birds but may pose a minimal risk to humans if consumed undercooked or raw.
- Avian Influenza (Bird Flu): Geese are known carriers of avian influenza viruses, which can occasionally infect humans, leading to severe respiratory illness.
- Salmonella: Geese may harbor Salmonella bacteria in their intestines, and their feces can potentially contaminate water sources and food, leading to foodborne illness in humans.
- Campylobacter: Campylobacter bacteria can be found in the feces of geese, and they are a common cause of foodborne illness when poultry is improperly handled or consumed.
- Escherichia coli (E. coli): Certain strains of E. coli may be present in geese and their excrement, posing a risk if contaminated water or food is ingested.
- Enterococcus: Enterococcus bacteria, including Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, can be found in water contaminated with goose feces and may indicate poor water quality.
- Histoplasma capsulatum: Although less common, goose droppings can harbor this fungus, which causes histoplasmosis in humans when spores are inhaled from contaminated soil.
- Cryptococcus neoformans: Geese excrement can contain this fungus, which can lead to respiratory infections in humans if fungal spores become airborne.
It’s important to note that the risk of infection or illness from geese and their excrement depends on various factors, including the prevalence of pathogens, the hygiene practices of individuals, and the degree of exposure. To minimize health risks, individuals should exercise proper hand hygiene and avoid direct contact with goose feces, especially in areas where geese congregate. Additionally, safe food handling practices should be followed to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses associated with geese and their potential pathogens.